Level 1 Beam
On Beam, Level 1 gymnasts perform a jump to front support, then a needle kick to a tuck stand — both of which can be reversed. Next, they do a relevé lock balance, held for 2 seconds. After a short passé balance (mark the position), Level 1 gymnasts perform a stretch jump followed by another relevé lock stand. Next is an arabesque (leg at least 30º). Level 1 gymnasts then perform a leg swing with each leg before yet another relevé lock stand. For the dismount, Level 1 gymnasts perform a Cartwheel to 3/4 handstand dismount. The cartwheel entry can be reversed to either side.
On Bars, Level 1 gymnasts start with a pullover mount. Next, is a cast back hip circle. Last, Level 1 gymnasts have their choice of a cast straddle/sole circle dismount or an underswing dismount.
On floor, Level 1 gymnasts start with a cartwheel, which is reversible. Next is a backward roll, then a candlestick. Next, Level 1 gymnasts perform a passé balance before a sharp pivot turn. After the turn, Level 1 gymnasts perform a chassé and then a stretch jump. Next, Level 1 gymnasts perform a forward roll before a 3/4 handstand. The entry into the handstand is reversible.
Level 1 Vault
On vault, Level 1 gymnasts perform a Stretch Jump to the mat (5.0 Start Value) and then a Handstand to Flat Back (5.0 Start Value).
Level 1 Cards