Development Program
USAG WAG 2022 - 2026
DP Levels 1 to 10
The Developmental Program (DP), previously known as the JO (Junior Olympic) program from USA Gymnastics, includes Levels 1 through 10, with the difficulty increasing with the level numbers.
All levels are progressive and build upon early skills toward increasingly difficult skills.
Gymnasts must enter the DP program at Level 1 and must advance one level at a time, but they can move through the lower levels as quickly as their skill allows. In Levels 1, 2, and 3, gymnasts need to show proficiency in at least 75% of the skills in each event to move to the next Level. Proficiency does not have to be demonstrated in competition - performing them for a professional coach in the gym counts too. So gymnasts can move to Level 4 pretty quickly at their coach’s discretion.
In DP, gymnasts may not skip any level, except for Level 6 with a specific score-out.
Starting at Level 4 (the first required level), gymnast MUST achieve a minimum score to move to the next level.
DP Scoring
Scoring in DP is based on the routine’s Start Value minus total Deductions (which is the total of Execution Deductions, General Deductions, and Chief Deductions).
In DP, Levels 1 through 5 automatically have a 10.0 Start Value. For Levels 6 through 8 gymnasts must meet both VP (Value Part) Requirements and Special Requirements (SRs) to earn a 10.0 Start Value. For Levels 9 and 10 gymnasts must meet VP (Value Part) Requirements and Special Requirements (SRs) AND earn Bonus points to earn a 10.0 Start Value.
Don’t worry, we’ll explain all the details in DP Scoring!
Developmental Levels
In DP, Levels 1 to 3 are considered Developmental or Achievement based. These levels may be used as non-competitive achievement levels, but some gyms compete levels 1 to 3. Some states offer State Championships for Developmental levels, while others do not.
Level 1 is the first achievement level of DP and is not required in competition. Instead of a minimum score, gymnasts can move to the next level once they’ve achieved 75% of the skills in Level 1.
Level 2 is the second achievement level of DP and is not required in competition. Instead of a minimum score, USAG says gymnasts can move to the next level, Level 3, when they’ve achieved 75% of the skills in Level 2.
Level 3 is the highest of the achievement levels in DP. Since Level 3 is a Developmental Level, it is optional, and a gymnast does not need to achieve a minimum score to progress to Level 4.
Compulsory Levels
Levels 4 and 5 are considered Compulsory - gymnasts must achieve a specific score to achieve mobility to the next level. They must perform a precisely choreographed routine for each event. There are significant deductions for changing or altering the routines or skills in the exercises. States offer local competitions and State Championships for Levels 4 and 5.
According to USAG, Level 4 is the first required level in DP. As a compulsory level, each gymnast performs the same routines and is judged on how well they perform each skill and dance to the standards in the Code of Points.
Level 5 is the second Compulsory level, and gymnasts compete the same routines on bars, beam and floor. To move up to Level 5, gymnasts much reach a minimum score in Level 4. In Level 5 you start to see some optional skills like a clear hip circle on bars or back handspring on beam.
Optionals Levels
Levels 6 through 10 are Optionals, allowing gymnasts to perform routines that meet specific requirements with custom choreography. Again, gymnasts must achieve a specific mobility score to move to the next level.
Level 6 is the first level in Optionals. In Level 6, gymnasts cannot earn bonus, or get Composition Deductions. To progress to Level 6 from Level 5, gymnasts need to earn a minimum score in Level 5.
Level 7 is the second Optionals level. Just like Level 6, gymnasts cannot earn bonus or incur Composition Deductions. To progress from Level 6 to Level 7, gymnasts need to earn a minimum score in Level 6.
Levels 8, 9 & 10
Composition -
Level 8 is the third level in Optionals and the level where Composition deductions start. Composition Deductions are taken on routines that don’t meet specific requirements. Level 8 gymnasts are not eligible for bonuses for harder skill and skill combinations, like higher levels.
Level 9 is where Bonus Points start and gymnasts’ routines are open to Composition Deductions, like Level 8. At Level 9, gymnasts can earn Connection Value bonuses—awarded because of difficult connections. Level 9 gymnasts have a Start Value of 9.70, and must earn 0.30 in bonus to get a 10.0 start value.
Level 10 is the fifth Optionals level, and the final level in DP. Similar to Level 9, Level 10 gymnasts can earn bonus and incur Composition Deductions. Level 10 gymnasts can earn Connection Value (CV) bonus and D/E bonus—which is earned by performing skills with 'D' or 'E' difficulty. Level 10 gymnasts have a 9.50 start value by default, and must earn bonus points to reach a 10.0 Start Value.