Xcel Silver
Xcel Silver is the second level of Xcel Gymnastics offered by USAG. Xcel Silver is the first required level in the Xcel program, and gymnasts must achieve a minimum score in Xcel Silver before moving to the next level. The minimum age to compete Xcel Silver is age 6 by the date of the gymnastics meet.
In Xcel, all levels are Optionals. Optionals gymnastics means each gymnast can perform a unique routine customized to their strengths, that meet specific Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements.
By allowing gymnasts to create their own choreography, Xcel offers flexibility and creativity not found in the compulsory Developmental Program, where every gymnast in a specific level does the exact same compulsory routine. Xcel encourages gymnasts to highlight their strengths, while working on their weaknesses. Basing routines on Special Requirements instead of specific skills, allow gymnasts the flexibility to be themselves, while showcasing their unique abilities.
Is Xcel Silver Required?
In the USAG Xcel program, Xcel Silver is not a required level. Gymnasts can enter Xcel competition at Bronze, Silver or Gold levels.
Xcel Silver Scoring
In Xcel Silver, scoring starts with the routine’s Start Value - which is based on Special Requirements, and Execution and Artistry Points, minus total Deductions (which is the total of Execution Deductions, General Deductions, and Chief Deductions).
Special Requirements
In each Xcel level, Bars, Beam, and Floor each have 4 Special Requirements that must be met to start with a 10.0 Start Value.
Each missing Special Requirement will deduct 0.50 points from the Starting Value (SV). Missing all the Special Requirements in a routine would lower the Start Value to 8.00 in Xcel.
Value Parts
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the Xcel Code of Points or the Xcel Skill Chart for that level. Xcel Silver gymnasts are allowed to do A difficulty skills and skills on the Xcel Silver Skill Chart (which count as A skills). Xcel Silver gymnasts can do B dance skills on both beam and floor.
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the Xcel Code of Points or the Xcel Bronze Skill Chart. Xcel Bronze gymnasts are allowed to do ‘A’ difficulty skills and skills on the Xcel Bronze Skill Chart (which count as ‘A’ skills).
In all Xcel levels, in addition to Special Requirements, there are VP requirements that must be met for a 10.0 Start Value. For Xcel Silver, gymnasts must have five (5) A VP (skills). Each missing A skill is worth 0.10 points.
Alison, an Xcel Silver gymnast, competes on the Bars.
Xcel Silver Bars Skills
At Xcel Silver level, typical bars mounts includes the kickover, pullover or a glide swing + pullover mount. If an Xcel Silver gymnast has a clean and straight-arm glide or straddle kip, they may choose to compete that instead.
The most common circling skill at Xcel Silver is a back hip circle, although other skills include a front hip circle, and stride/mill circle (forward or backward). Another option, although rarely used at Xcel Silver, is a long-hang pullover from a long swing.
Some normal bars dismounts for Xcel Silver gymnasts include cast off to stand, a three-quarter front circle to stand, and an underswing or toe-on dismount.
The Special Requirements for Xcel Silver Bars are:
Cast min. 45º below horizontal (not mount/dismount)
360º Circling Skill (not mount/dismount)
Dismount (no saltos)
Era, an Xcel Silver gymnast does a beautiful cast on bars. What makes the cast great? Her tight hollow shape, legs that are squeezed tightly together, pointed feet, shoulders over the bar, and a neutral head. Of course, she’s clearly above 45º, the requirement for a cast in Xcel Silver.
Xcel Silver Beam Skills
In Xcel Silver, gymnasts must have a beam mount as part of their beam routine. There is a lot of flexibility in beam mounts for Xcel Silver. Some typical Xcel Silver mounts include a whip-swing mount or a front support to kneel mount.
At Xcel Silver, the most common acro skills on the beam include a partial handstand. In Xcel Silver, for a partial handstand on beam to count, the gymnast’s feet must close together at least 45º from vertical. Other options include a vertical handstand, forward roll, shoulder roll, or a one-second bridge from lying down on the beam.
Typical Xcel Silver turns include a full turn on one foot with their free leg in either the coupé or passé position. Please note, any free leg position is allowed.
Typical jumps at Xcel Silver include a split jump to meet Special Requirement number two. Other jumps include a straight jump or a tuck jump.
For a dismount, Xcel Silver gymnasts can jump off the beam. Common jumps for dismounts include a stretch jump, split jump or tuck jump. Many Xcel Silver gymnasts choose to do a harder dismount, such as a partial handstand or handstand dismount, or a cartwheel 1/4 turn dismount.
Kathryn, an Xcel Silver gymnast, performs on the Balance Beam.
Special Requirements for Xcel Silver Beam
On Beam, the Special Requirements for Xcel Silver gymnasts are:
Minimum half turn (or more) on one foot
Jump or leap with 90º leg separation (or more)
Acro skill (which can’t have flight)
Skills listed in the Xcel Silver Skills Chart count as an ‘A’ Skill.
McKenzie, an Xcel Silver gymnast, performs on the Balance Beam.
Xcel Silver Floor Skills
On floor, Xcel Silver gymnasts will compete a variety of skills.
For the first Special Requirement, most Xcel Silver gymnasts compete a round-off (rebound) backward roll, or a round-off back handspring for the required acro connection of at least two directly connected skills, one of which must be a flight skill.
Other options include a round-off back tuck or front handspring step-out cartwheel combination.
In addition to the first Special Requirement, Xcel Silver gymnasts need another flight skill, or an acro pass with at least two directly connected skills.
Xcel Silver gymnasts could do a cartwheel + backward roll or a forward roll + forward roll combination to satisfy the two directly connected acro skills. Or, they could do a front handspring, back handspring, round-off or salto in their floor exercise to satisfy the second Special Requirement.
Remember, there are numerous combinations that satisfy the Special Requirements, so your gymnast’s skills may vary - that’s the benefit of Xcel!
Xcel Silver gymnasts should have a split leap and another jump, such as a tuck jump or split jump, in a dance passage.
For a turn, most Xcel Silver gymnasts compete a full turn on one foot with their free leg in either the coupé or passé position. Please note, any free leg position is allowed.
The Special Requirements for Xcel Silver Floor are:
Two directly connected acro skills, one with flight.
Second acro connection with at least two skills OR a flight skill
Dance pass with two or more dance skills (one has to be a leap with 90º or more leg separation)
Full turn on one foot
Xcel Silver Vault
At the Xcel Silver level, gymnasts have their choice of two vaults. Both Xcel Silver vault options have a 10.0 Start Value.
Both Xcel Silver vaults are performed over a mat stack.
The first vault is a front handspring. The second vault is a 1/4 to 1/2 on, repulsion off.
At Xcel Silver, gymnasts may use an alternative springboard, such as a trampboard for vault, without deduction.
Xcel Silver gymnasts have three attempts at two vaults. Vaults may be the same or different.
Vault scores are not averaged together, and the gymnast receives the score of the better scoring vault if they perform two vaults.
Xcel Silver Cards
Download the Xcel Silver Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor cards here.