Get Your Splits!

Gymnasts need flat side and front splits. For many levels, the 180º leg separation is necessary for walkovers, leaps, and some jumps.

A lucky few can get their splits flat without any extra effort.

For the rest of us, we have to work at it. Why?

Let's start with flexibility. To get your splits flat, you need to invest time stretching and strengthening your hamstrings, adductors, abductors, hip flexors, glutes, and groin muscles.

Traditionally, to get splits, gymnasts sat in static splits for minutes at a time. We've since learned that static stretching isn't the best way to gain flexibility and prevent injury. Static stretching means a gymnast gets into position (or as far as they can get) and then holds it, without moving.

Research, and experience, tell us that dynamic stretching increases flexibility and strength while preventing injuries. Dynamic stretching means moving the targeted muscles and ligaments within their ROM to increase strength and flexibility. Gymnasts rarely hold a position longer than a few seconds in a dynamic stretch.

Our Get Your Splits drills are designed to be done at home, with minimal equipment. The targeted drills are quick and easy to do when you have a few minutes each day. Each drill explains and shows how to do the drill. Targeted muscles are listed, along with goals for repetitions.

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