Level 7
DP Level 7 is the seventh of ten levels in the DP program.
A gymnast must be age 7 or older to compete Level 7.
A gymnast must score a “score-out” minimum score at Level 5 in order to complete Level 7. Currently, to compete Level 7, a gymnast needs an AA score of 32.00 at either Level 5 or 6. This is unique to level 7, as level 6 may be skipped if a 32.00 or higher was achieved at Level 5. Alternatively, a 32.00 AA at Level 6 will also qualify a gymnast to compete in Level 7.
In DP Levels 6 to 10, the levels are considered Optionals, allowing gymnasts to perform routines that meet specific requirements with custom choreography. Each event and level has its own Special Requirements that specify what each event’s routine must include to have a Start Value of 10.0. That means all gymnasts can choose the skills for each event, provided they meet the Special Requirements. This flexibility allows gymnasts to perform harder skills when desired.
Level 7 Scoring
In Level 7, scoring starts with the routine’s Start Value - which is based on Special Requirements, Value Part Requirements, and Execution and Artistry Points, minus total Deductions (which is the total of Execution Deductions, General Deductions, and Chief Deductions).
Special Requirements (SRs) are the rules you need to follow to start with a 10.0 Start Value. Each SR is worth 0.50 points, so if you miss one SR, your start value would be 9.5, and if you miss two, it would be 9.0.
In Level 7, Bars, Beam, and Floor each have 4 Special Requirements that must be met to start with a 10.0 Start Value.
Each missing Special Requirement will deduct 0.50 points from the Starting Value (SV). Missing all the Special Requirements in a routine would lower the Start Value to 8.00 in Level 7.
In some DP Levels 6 through 8, in addition to Special Requirements, there are VP requirements that must be met for a 10.0 Start Value. In Level 7, gymnasts need the following Value Parts.
Value part Chart
VPs & Difficulty Restrictions
Value Parts (VPs) are skills performed to the requirements. If a skill doesn’t meet the criteria, it will not receive credit as a VP. In DP, VPs are listed in the COP (Code of Points).
VP Pics (A B C D E)
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the DP Code of Points.
Level 7 gymnasts are allowed to do:
Difficulty chart
Level 7 Beam
Special Requirements for Level 7 Beam
Acro series (with/without flight, not in mount/dismount) AND one Acro flight skill (may or may not be in series)
One Leap or Jump with 180º cross or side split
Minimum of 360º turn on one foot (Group 3)
Salto/Aerial dismount (minimum ‘A’ difficulty)
Level 7 Floor Skills
The Special Requirements for Level 7 Floor are:
1. Minimum 2 acro passes
• One pass containing a backward Salto (minimum 2 VPs)
• One pass with 1 forward Salto (additional VPs allowed in pass)
• One back layout (no twist, landing on 2 feet)
2. Dance pass with minimum 2 Group 1 elements (directly/indirectly connected), containing 1 Leap with 180º cross/side split
3. Minimum 360º turn on 1 foot
Level 7 Bars Skills
The Special Requirements for Level 7 Bars are:
One cast to handstand
Two clear circling VPs
One minimum ‘B’ difficulty clear circling skill
One clear circling skill from groups 3/6/7
Level 7 Vaults