Xcel Scoring
In Xcel, all levels are considered Optionals. In Optionals gymnastics, gymnasts perform innovative custom-choreographed routines that meet specific Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements, instead of performing a routine of specific skills.
Custom choreography coupled with Special Requirements allows for flexibility and creativity in routines and encourages gymnasts to highlight their strengths. By basing the routine on special requirements instead of required skills, Xcel allows gymnasts to choose the skills for each event based on their individual strengths.
That’s great - but how exactly does it work?
Scoring in Xcel is based on the routine’s Start Value (which is based on Special Requirements, Value Part Requirements, and Execution and Artistry Points) minus total Deductions (which is the total of Execution Deductions, General Deductions, and Chief Deductions). Don’t worry, we’ll explain!
Start Value
In Xcel, Start Value is based upon Special Requirements, Value Parts, and Execution & Artistry Points. The Start Value of a routine is the highest score it can earn if the routine is without deductions.
Start Value is calculated based on if the gymnast met the specific Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements, for that level.
Gymnasts that meet all Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements start with a 10.0 Start Value. In Xcel, all events can have a 10.0 Start Value IF the gymnast meets both the Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements for their level.

Special Requirements
For Bars, Beam, and Floor, Special Requirements specify what each event must include to earn a Start Value of 10.0. Bars, beam, and floor each have four special requirements that must be met to start with a 10.0 Start Value in each Xcel Level.
The Special Requirements change for each level and each event, getting more difficult in each higher level.
Each missing Special Requirement will deduct 0.50 points from the Start Value (SV). Missing all of the Special Requirements in a routine would lower the Start Value to 8.00 in Xcel.
Value Parts
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the Xcel Code of Points or the Xcel Skill Chart for that level.
Difficulty ranges from ‘A’ VPs to ‘E’ VPs. ‘A’ VPs are the easiest (relatively speaking), and ‘E’ VPs are the hardest. Skills listed on the Xcel Skill Chart count as ‘A’ VPs.
Value Part Requirements
Starting in 2022 -2023 season, ALL Xcel levels have VP requirements that must be met for a 10.0 Start Value, in addition to the Special Requirements.
For example, in Xcel Bronze, gymnasts need to have four (4) A skills for a 10.0 Start Value, while Xcel Silver gymnasts must have five (5) A skills. Xcel Diamond gymnasts must have five A skills plus two (2) B skills on bars, in addition to meeting the four Special Requirements, for a 10.0 Start Value.
Value Part Values
Each difficulty level of elements has a numerical value:
Missing Value Parts
When an element is missing from a routine, the value of the element is deducted from the Start Value. So if an Xcel Diamond gymnast does four (4) A skills and one (1) B skill, they would lose a minimum of 0.40 points from their Start Value (0.30 B + 0.10 A).