Xcel Gold
Xcel Gold is the third level of Xcel Gymnastics offered by USAG. Xcel Gold is the first required level in the Xcel. Xcel Gold is also an entry level, meaning gymnasts can start in Gold to compete and do not have to compete Xcel Silver first. The minimum age to compete Xcel Gold is age 7 by the date of the gymnastics meet.
In Xcel, all levels are Optionals. Optionals gymnastics means each gymnast can perform a unique routine customized to their strengths, that meet specific Special Requirements and Value Part Requirements.
By allowing gymnasts to create their own choreography, Xcel offers flexibility and creativity not found in the compulsory Developmental Program, where every gymnast in a specific level does the exact same compulsory routine. Xcel encourages gymnasts to highlight their strengths, while working on their weaknesses. Basing routines on Special Requirements instead of specific skills, allow gymnasts the flexibility to be themselves, while showcasing their unique abilities.
Is Xcel Gold Required?
In the USAG Xcel program, Xcel Gold is the first required level. Gymnasts can enter Xcel competition at Bronze, Silver or Gold levels.
Xcel Gold Scoring
In Xcel Gold, scoring starts with the routine’s Start Value - which is based on Special Requirements, and Execution and Artistry Points, minus total Deductions (which is the total of Execution Deductions, General Deductions, and Chief Deductions).
Special Requirements
In each Xcel level, Bars, Beam, and Floor each have 4 Special Requirements that must be met to start with a 10.0 Start Value.
Each missing Special Requirement will deduct 0.50 points from the Starting Value (SV). Missing all the Special Requirements in a routine would lower the Start Value to 8.00 in Xcel.
Value Parts
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the Xcel Code of Points or the Xcel Skill Chart for that level. Xcel Gold gymnasts are allowed to do A difficulty skills and skills on the Xcel Gold Skill Chart (which count as A skills).
A Value Part (VP) is a skill or element assigned a difficulty value in the Xcel Code of Points or the Xcel Gold Skill Chart.
In all Xcel levels, in addition to Special Requirements, there are VP requirements that must be met for a 10.0 Start Value. For Xcel Gold, gymnasts must have six (6) A VP (skills). Each missing A skill is worth 0.10 points.
Xcel Gold Beam Skills
In Xcel Gold, gymnasts must have a beam mount as part of their beam routine. There is a lot of flexibility in beam mounts for Xcel Gold. Some typical Xcel Gold mounts include a whip-swing mount or a front support to kneel mount.
The most common skills that fulfill Special Requirement #2, a jump or leap requiring 120º leg separation, are a split jump and split leap. Common acro skills performed in Xcel Gold are cartwheels, handstands, back walkovers, and sometimes a bridge kick-over, or a forward or backward roll. Many Xcel Gold gymnasts use a side handstand 1/4 turn dismount — the same dismount in DP Level 3, or a front or back tuck, the same dismount as DP Level 5.
Special Requirements for Xcel Gold Beam
On Beam, the Special Requirements for Xcel Gold gymnasts are:
Full Turn on 1 foot
Jump or Leap - 120º
Two Acro Skills, one pass thru vertical
Skills listed in the Xcel Gold Skills Chart count as an ‘A’ Skill.
Xcel Gold Floor Skills
On floor, Xcel Gold gymnasts will compete a variety of skills. For the first Special Requirement, two directly connected acro flight skills, a common choice is a round-off back handspring, although other options are available, such as front handspring step-out + round-off, or front handspring + front tuck.
The second SR requires two directly connected acro flight skills or a salto/aerial. Some common choices to fulfill this SR are a front handspring step-out + round-off, front tuck, front handspring + front tuck, side aerial, or a round-off back tuck.
For the third Special Requirement, two different jumps or leaps, one a leap with minimum 120º leg separation, many gymnasts perform a split leap combined with any jump, although some may opt to perform a switch leap.
For the fourth and final SR, a full turn (or more) on one foot, the most common option is a full turn, although gymnasts who wish to show off their turn skills can do a one and a half turn, wolf turn, or an illusion.
The Special Requirements for Xcel Gold Floor are:
Two directly connected acro flight skills
Two directly connected acro flight skills OR one salto/aerial
Two different Jumps or Leapsone a leap with 120º split
Full Turn on 1 foot
Xcel Gold Bars Skills
There are many options to fulfill the Special Requirements for Xcel Gold Bars. For the first SR, a skill finishing in clear support at a minimum of horizontal, the most common skill is a cast, although there are other options, such as a clear hip circle.
For the second SR, a 360º circling skill (not in the mount or dismount), a common option is a back hip circle, although there are other options, such as a front hip circle, clear hip circle, or a long hang pullover. The third SR is another 360º circling skill, so the same options may be used.
The fourth and final SR, a dismount from the high bar, is often fulfilled using a tap swing 1/4 turn dismount — the same dismount as in DP Level 4, but there are other options, such as a flyaway or underswing dismount.
The Special Requirements for Xcel Gold Bars are:
A skill finishing in clear support at a minimum of horizontal*
360° Circling skill*
Second 360° Circling skill*, same or different
Dismount from High Bar
Xcel Gold Vault
Xcel Gold Cards
Click the button to download the Xcel Gold Skill Cards for Bars, Beam and Floor. Vault will be available once the new Code is released on June 30th and we can verify the vault list hasn’t changed.