Get Your Front Hip Circle!
To begin, gymnasts need to understand how the skill works.
Start in front support with shoulders extended. Legs should be straight and together with pointed feet. Arms should be straight with shoulders extended.
While keeping hips on the bar, lean forward, so shoulders are over bar. Maintain tight straight body position with a small arch in the back. As the gymnast drops forward, make sure she squeezes her bum and core to keep a straight and tight body shape.
Keep pushing down on the front of the bar to keep thighs on bar as the gymnast nears horizontal.
As gymnast passes horizontal, she can start to wrap around the bar quickly. The slight change in shape from arch to pike will help give the gymnast momentum around the bar. By the way, the gymnast's hands should not have shifted yet, or she'll need to bend her arms.
As the gymnast folds around the bar, with straight (or nearly straight) arms, her wrists will shift to the top and she will push against the bar. Pushing against the bar with tight and straight arms will help her ride the momentum back up to front support.
Drill #1
Standing in front of the bar with hands on bar, jump to front support with straight arms. This motion is similar to the push the gymnast does at the end of the circle to finish the skill. Keeping straight arms on the jump will reinforce the straight arms throughout the circle.
Drill #2
From extended front support, have gymnast start to lean forward, pushing shoulders over bar, while keeping a tight and straight body position. As the gymnast nears horizontal, put your arm out to gently stop the gymnast from passing horizontal. Remember, the gymnast should be in a straight tight body position with the bar on their thighs.